Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
Bridging the gap between trauma & purpose
State of Captivity
There are 4 parameters that produce a state of learned helplessness and spiritual bankruptcy. That's how people get lured into the cognitive dissonance and trauma bond. This presentation will help you understand how you got into it and how to get out.
My 6-Step Holistic Framework
This is the first level of recovery where you'll learn the tools and mindsets to get back up, improve your wellbeing and achieve your personal growth goals after narcissistic abuse and other toxic relationships.
The following framework of resources is listed in recommended order.
Step 1
Start here if you just found out you're in a relationship with a narcissist or psychopath.
That discovery can be incredibly relieving at first because you finally figured out what’s going on.
Whether you’ve already left or you’re considering leaving, it’s important to know that many people get trapped in repetition cycles, even once they know about narcissistic abuse!
You can end up suffering through the same types of toxic relationships over and over again. The sense of powerlessness, helplessness and hopelessness grows over time—and things get much, much worse.
After one of these relationships, you’re likely struggling with confusion, brain fog and overwhelm. It becomes hard to think clearly, to focus and retain information.
The QUICK START GUIDE: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery shows you the first 3 most essential steps that you can take right now to start moving forward and transforming your life.
This mini book can be read in a couple hours and cuts straight through the overwhelm with clarity—giving you only what you most need right now.
In the QUICK START GUIDE, you’ll learn about:
- getting into a Mental Ninja Mindset to set yourself up for success in your recovery
- how your own biology could be working against you in this process
- how to override the impulses that are sabotaging your forward movement
- the biggest threat to your self-healing and what you can do to eliminate it
- the truth about why most people get into a cycle of repetition after these relationships
- what you can do differently to create a better future for yourself (and your children)
Step 2
12-Week SANA Series
Learn the MINDSETS and TOOLS to EMPOWER yourself and TRANSFORM your life after abuse.
This beginner to intermediate course will help you transition from Stage One (Victim Stage - Powerlessness) to Stage Two (Survivor Stage - Empowerment) in the recovery process after narcissistic abuse.
This 3 month self-healing course will help you:
- learn about the 2 foundational keys to start healing after trauma
- put into action a guided structure for your inner healing work
- create a new sense of safety in your body, mind and spirit
- master your boundaries in order to increase your self-esteem
- dissolve the Cognitive Dissonance caused by the mixed messages you received from abusers
- identify and remove the sources of toxicity from your body and mind so you can heal faster
- protect and cultivate your energy for forward movement
- redefine your values and vision after abuse to recover your lost self
- hack your brain and retrain your nervous system for growth and success
- unsubscribe from old belief systems and reprogram your mind after the brainwashing and psychological abuse
- override the abuser's distorted reality and own your reality so you can create the life you want
- reconnect with your intuition to restore your self-trust and know who you can trust
- develop the inner practices that build immunity to abuse and manipulation
- get in touch with your life purpose and learn how to protect it from the killjoys
Each episode unfolds another layer of the self-healing process of body-mind-spirit and contains a lesson, a guided meditation for that topic, and then exercises or suggestions to put the lesson into practice, integrating the transformational work in your daily life so things finally start changing for the better.
Get started on your self-healing process today so you can get out of that hole and start feeling better!
This is an essential guide through the stages of narcissistic abuse recovery.
There is currently a social crisis leaving millions of people feeling alone and confused, struggling to escape the self-doubt, fear and so many unanswered questions.
Invisible abuse is rarely talked about because of how hard it is to pin-point, even by mental health professionals. The worst part is how victims and survivors are left feeling so alone and isolated, with no one to turn to for support and understanding.
This book is a roadmap out of the suffering and struggle caused by narcissistic abuse. It is a comprehensive, holistic outline and explanation of the three stages of the narcissistic abuse recovery process, so you can measure where you are and where you want to go in your own journey.
You'll learn:
- the common markers of each stage of recovery
- the recommended inner work to keep moving through each stage
- the rite of passage steps you can take during each stage in your journey
If you want to change anything in life, you’re going to need to measure it somehow. This structure can help you get to the next level and keep moving forward. It's an inspirational guide out of the pain and gravity of the past so you can create a life of peace, joy, meaning and purpose.
Self-Care Mastery Course
This is your opportunity to develop a new and healthy relationship with yourself.
Learn how to master the 5 domains of self-care so you can eradicate your people-pleasing and self-sacrificing patterns by addressing the roots of the issues caused by abuse, neglect, and abandonment in childhood.
This intermediate to high intermediate level video course will help you progress through Stage 2 (Survivor Stage - Empowerment) of the recovery process and prepare to enter Stage 3 (Thriver Stage - Prosperity). Stage 2 is the longest stage of the recovery process, and this course will help you re-build your inner structure along the way.
If you found yourself in abusive relationships as an adult, you likely have unhealed wounds from childhood.
Self-care is the core of the healing path after abuse.
Life is about relationships and the most important relationship you have is with yourself. This is the one relationship you might be neglecting the most in your life.
Your relationship with yourself is your epicenter of power. It's either helping you create the life you want or it's working against you and sabotaging your vision and dreams.
This course will help you develop sustainable self-care practices that serve you long-term, now and in the future, so you can live the life you dream of.
In these 10 video segments, this self-mastery course can help you:
- eradicate your self-sacrificing patterns by addressing the roots of the issues caused by abuse and neglect
- identify the ways you're trying to please others and lose yourself in the process
- take clear, purposeful action
- take ownership of your most powerful tool to heal yourself after abuse
- tap into your intuition as an important guide in your life
- connect with your body as an essential ally and source of wisdom in your healing journey
- reconnect with and reparent your wounded Inner Child
- regulate and balance the tumultuous emotional aftermath of traumatic experiences
- tap into a greater sense of authenticity, meaning and purpose
- develop a new and healthier relationship with yourself and others
- create a new structure to put into consistent practice the tools that will help you transform your life
8 BONUSES are included in the Self-Care Mastery Course, each containing a 10-20 min exercise or guided visualization to supplement the course work.
BONUS #1: Cord Cutting & Energetic Protection (guided visualization)
BONUS #2: Reprogramming Flashbacks & Self-Talk (mental ninja exercises)
BONUS #3: Psychosomatic Awareness & Integration (guided visualization)
BONUS #4: Extracting Seeds Of Purpose (guided visualization)
BONUS #5: Anger Processing (releasing exercise)
BONUS #6: Inner Child Integration (guided visualization)
BONUS #7: Forgiveness Release (guided visualization)
BONUS #8: Releasing Toxic Shame (guided visualization)
You deserve to thrive in life no matter what happened to you in the past. This course will help you create the path toward prosperity.
The only person that can do this work for you is yourself and it will be worth it!
Are you ready to master your self-care now?
Assess Where You Are Now
The 4 Pillars of Recovery
Now that you've done the groundwork, The 4 Pillars of Recovery FREE PDF report will help you identify in which areas you're still struggling and how to level up those parts of yourself so you can start thriving.
Step 6
Short courses to help you level up
The following short courses will help you address specific areas of self-care where you want to level up more.
Each one is about 60 min long plus a Q&A. All of them come with the corresponding PDF worksheets.
But first, be sure to download the FREE PDF above on The 4 Pillars of Recovery to find out which areas you're still struggling with and which of these courses could most benefit you at this time.
These were originally live trainings done with the Mental Ninja Mastery group in 2019.
Here you'll find answers to the most common questions.
Are these courses based on a particular religious or spiritual ideology?
Do you offer one-on-one sessions for narcissistic abuse recovery?
What do you have to offer beginners and those who are still in the Victim Stage of narcissistic abuse recovery?
What if I want to work with you in the future?
Do you have a recommendation for licensed therapists?
Do you offer refunds?
Testimonials from digital courses and other content
Personal details are removed for privacy, anonymity and safety.
I've been trying to connect with my inner child for a while, and to do some shadow work, but I couldn't connect with her. I bought today the 12 weeks course, and I listenned the first audio and I could for the first time connect with her. When you talked from the perspective of the inner child, tears started flowing down my eyes. I felt what she felt. The exercises you have in the pdf are great, increase awareness, I'm excited to go through this. You have such a lovely voice, I feel your compassion and your support.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
WOWWEE!!! I'm going to listen again, this was so therapeutic! Spot on and full of hope and positivity despite the circumstances. Brilliant. I love that you even touched on how this kind of stress manifests in our bodies. I was in awe as I listened to this, every single bit of it resonates clearly with my heart, soul and mind. Saying thank you isn't enough. Bless!
~Anonymous (Unknown)
Binge watching your videos and filing some of them under Important Videos...... they are all important of course, but I am gathering the ones important to my recovery. Thank you so much. You really are saving lives. I trust you. I think you know how amazing that is for people who have been through the things you talk about. Bless you.
~Anonymous (Canada)
Gracias por tus vídeos todos absolutamente todos son muy buenos y de gran ayuda.
~Anónimo (España)
I just wanted to thank you for all that you contribute - I have become another member of the online community seeking answers on narcopath abuse. I feel truly blessed to have found all of the resources that I have used to help get past the devastation of this type of abuse. Your channel is one of the best, in my opinion. The way that you approach this topic truly resonates with me, and I find you to be very comforting and inspiring, as well as accurate and highly informative. I just wanted you to know that your outreach work on YouTube (as well as the videos and info provided via your email newsletter) has helped me immensely. I have been watching your videos almost every morning as I drink my morning cup. I absolutely love your Monday Q and A sessions - wow!
~Anonymous (USA)
WOW you are so amazing and genuine. Thank you SO much I was very depressed and watching your videos motivated me to get on my feet and out of the bed. Please don't stop making more videos. You have no idea how much you are helping broken victims.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
I just wanted to let you know I stumbled upon your Facebook page and I think you're wonderful and your messages are amazing. I watched your video regarding denial and I cannot express in words how accurate and profound your message is. Hearing your message adds such validation and peace to an otherwise excruciating journey. Thank you for putting those messages out there. What you are doing is amazingly wonderful.
~Anonymous (USA)
Hi Meredith, I am writing from South Africa and want to thank you for "Piercing the denial" that I have now listened to 4 time and will listen to many times again. I had the most incredible "OMG moment”. I really want to thank you and say that the full on reality has indeed set in for me. It is incredibly freeing to be at a place after 20 break ups in a 2 year period to have peace and to be able to sleep well during the night. I will be tuning in regularly to your sessions as you have changed my life....
~Anonymous (South Africa)
Thank You again for what you're doing in my life! May God bless you over and over again!!
~Anonymous (South Africa)
There are so many helpful people here, but you, you manage to concentrate ALL, in your videos. Plus the way you present, and explain difficult situations is nice, as to me, they seem NOW easier to understand. You are gifted, you can't imagine how much. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Anonymous (France)
Thanks so much! Everything you said resonated with me and I really needed to hear that perspective. It is an excellent way of seeing the situation. Thanks again.
~Anonymous (USA)
Your insight is profound. You have such a solid overview of the whole situation and you explain it effectively and efficiently. I only just discovered you this morning. Your channel will do very well. Thank you for your work.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
I was listening to a couple of your videos tonight and a few things really hit the nail on the head. Dosing, chasing the dragon and how they make you implode. You put things into words so well. I wish I had heard of you before it would have saved me so much heartbreak.
~Anonymous (UK)
Wow thank you so much for putting so much of yourself in this. It gives the lost confused lonely people some faith.
~Anonymous (USA)
Thank you sooo much that was so insightful! I'm literally taking screenshots of your advice. Tonight is about starting the process to healing.
~Anonymous (USA)
What you are doing for people is truly a gift.
~Anonymous (Canada)
Every time I talk to you I feel like you help me clarify my thoughts and see things more clearly. My mind goes from chaos and confusion to order and clarity. Thank you.
~Anonymous (USA)
You are helping so many, godbless. Thankyou thank you!
~Anonymous (USA)
No hubiera podido tener la fuerza y determinación para tomar esta decisión sin tus vídeos y webinars. Hay mucha información en la red, pero pienso que tu forma forma de definir y comunicar como superar el abuso es la mejor con diferencia. No se puede decir tanto y tan bien en tan poco tiempo. Estás en la otra punta del mundo pero no puedes imaginar la trascendencia que has tenido en mi vida.
~Anónimo (España)
Your voice! And your insight! Thank you.
~Anonymous (USA)
Thank you... this has brought tears to my eyes.
~Anonymous (South Africa)
I've studied under some of the best but never came to see with such perspective in one day like this. I'm going to be paying attention to you and your message for some time to come, it's plain to see. I pray you are honored the way you have brought blessing into the remnant of my life.
~Anonymous (USA)
Thank you so much for your input. It was everything I needed to hear.
~Anonymous (UK)
I love what you are doing I think you are a blessing to many in this endeavor.
~Anonymous (USA)
This is sooo accurate. I cried while watching this video. Finally, someone who understands this hurt. It's actually abuse, and should not be tolerated. Ever. Thank you so much for posting. You are literally an answered prayer!
~Anonymous (South Africa)
This was brilliant. Please share this with all of us. The video was absolutely on point. Wonderful and thank you so much.
~Anonymous (USA)
That was a great webinar! Informative and heartfelt. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
~Anonymous (USA)
Thank you so much. I am already putting into practice some of your suggestions, like positive affirmations when I first wake up and using brain waves! I appreciate all your knowledge and providing this for free was so unbelievably generous of you!
~Anonymous (USA)
Hi Meredith, I found your online resources and have to say they are SPOT on. Thank you so much! Keep it coming!!
~Anonymous (Unknown)
I really want to thank you for taking a few minutes of your day to reply to me.. It saved my life. I truly believe so.. And I hope you can save more lives. I felt your videos were all I had, there were a ton of other people videos I've seen, but yours seems to speak to my soul more than others.. For some reason. I will always be in debt and grateful to you. Thank you, from the bottom of all my being.
~Anonymous (USA)
I would just like to say what you're doing with your page is simply amazing. It has opened my eyes in many ways & im quite certain some new doors. I certainly can't be the only one. You're changing lives for the best & that is a blessing. Thank you for all your time. I caught myself ranting to you. Who knew I'd feel more comfortable with a stranger (new friend) than the people I'm closest to.
~Anonymous (USA)
Thank you... this has brought tears to my eyes .. I have broken the cycle. One single day at a time... I'm on the road to recovery. Regardless of his stage show in court... I'm done... I'm healing... from South Africa with love ~Anonymous (South Africa) Thank you so much. Your webinar was very informative.
~Anonymous (USA)
Your series on narcissism have been exceptional and helped me tremendously. ~Anonymous (USA) Thank you so much for your live talks and recordings! They are very helpful, and I feel so lucky that I have access to them!
~Anonymous (USA)
Thank you ever soooooo much.
~Anonymous (South Africa)
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your videos. They are really helpful! I feel less alone in the world.....someone understands....
~Anonymous (USA)
So freaky because your video came up on my FB page as a suggestion. It's like you came to me. You are like an Angel. I can't believe I found you.
~Anonymous (South Africa)
This is so good. Thank you. I am going to listen to your past shows, as i just discovered you very recently. I like you. It really helps that you not only totally understand, but help to forge a path back to regaining a Healthy sense of self, and trusting my own instincts.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
You are like the big sister with the best advice! seriously thankyou your videos are helping me keep on track with my no contact. I signed up for emails notifications for your youtube channel I dont want to miss a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Anonymous (USA)
I so look forward to each video you put out .. It's the highlife of my day. I love your explanations ... Thank you ... You are very empowering.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
Spot your integrative approach.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
OMG... your videos are awesome! thanks so much! I was married to a narcopath. Every single thing you said I had to deal with... it is such a crazy game. I am so relieved I divorced that demon... watching your videos is helping me a lot. God bless you!
~Anonymous (Unknown)
I have cried while watching almost every single one of your videos. But it's a good cry, a necessary, REAL cry. Thank you, thank you so very much for what you're doing. The emotions that come out of me while hearing you explain my life in the most raw most sincere way while pushing no judgment while simply saying you understand, it's priceless. No one has been able to tap into my heart like you have, in years. Thank you. So much love N light.
~Anonymous (USA)
I must say your webinars are amazing and you started it just at the right time, when I felt so hopeless and in despair. Unfortunately I can not attend the live event but I have been listening to the audio every Tuesday just like a ritual. These webinars may have literally saved my life. I really just wanted to say thank you.
~Anonymous (UK)
I just watched my first video and can't believe how spot on you are about everything. I plan to keep tuning in on mondays. I can't believe how accurate you described my life.God bless you for your efforts and I look forward to more.
~Anonymous (USA)
Muchas gracias por compartir tu conocimiento en español con todos nosotros. Compartiré tus videos con sobrevivientes y conocidos de habla hispana para que el despertar a este tipo de abuso siga creciendo. Saludos y éxito! Un gran placer ver tu compromiso para con la comunidad hispanohablante.
~Anónimo (México)
Llevo siguiendo tu canal en inglés desde hace un par de semanas y creo que eres una de las mejores fuentes de información en relación al narcisismo y los efectos que crea sobre las personas que están a su alrededor. Expresas a la perfección las técnicas de manipulación que utilizan las personas que sufren trastorno narcisista y sobre todo pones en palabras cosas que para la mayoría es difícil verbalizar. Mi más sincera enhorabuena desde España.
~Anónimo (España)
Just to say that I had my 'omg' moment after a long 4 year denial... Loved your video, related to everything you said, every word. My mind is still fizzing with the realisation and understanding of it all, and that I am not alone. Happy... The self healing is to come. Thank you, this has shone a bright light in the darkness.
~Anonymous (UK)
Breaking free is liberating and challenging and I just wanted to say thank you for what you do. You made a difference today! I am thankful to come across amazing individuals like you, someone that feels like they understand where and what you've been going through. You truly are a gem and will touch many lives!
~Anonymous (Canada)
I know I came across your page for a reason and I just want to say I'm thankful for that.
~Anonymous (USA)
I don't know you personally and you don't know me personally, but I've stumbled across your videos and have been watching them attentively. you don't know what exact situations I've been in my own journey through abuse, But watching your videos everything that you say really resonates with me and fully describes what I've been through. I just got out of a very abusive relationship for what seems like the thousandth but final time and the grave ive dug for myself has never been deeper, but i know ill be able to climb out of over time. And your videos fully describe the isolation, self deprecation, confusion and immense grief that I've been going through. I just just wanted to say what you're doing is making a difference in people's lives even if it is just with myself. And this is just a brief comment. But watching your videos help me heal even though recently feel like the world is on my chest.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
I am so grateful to you for putting your thoughts out there for us all to benefit from. I am finding it so helpful, especially the practical suggestions you give for how to deal with some of the effects of this, meeting the narcissist etc. THANK YOU!
~Anonymous (Unknown)
I based my life on not being my father. Apparently i didn't do as well as i hoped. It's only the fact that after my last breakup that i realized i heard the same things over again. Their is the Oprah moment when you realize it mighty be you. That you actually became the person you tried so hard not to become. I'll check out what you have suggested. You have no idea how much i appreciate you getting back. I'm so tired of this.
~Anonymous (USA)
You're understanding is a Godsend. And more teachers and therapists need to be educated on this. I am a victim but it ends with me.
~Anonymous (Unknown)
Thank you so much for that message. It was the perfect time for me to understand my denial phase. Now how to use this will help me thru this difficult time.
~Anonymous (USA)