Alchemy Awakening

Transmuting the Past into Gold

Transmuting the Past into Gold

a private 1:1 transformational journey for personal evolution

with Meredith Miller

Alchemy Awakening

You are here because you want to liberate yourself from your attachment to who you were so you can step into who you are becoming.

You've restored wholeness to your soul through Inner Child Integration and you know you're no longer the same person you were. Now that you've outgrown your old life, you're working on reinventing yourself, yet you may find it challenging to fully let go of your past self. 

You want to awaken and integrate deeper wisdom and embodiment from your true self in order to step into higher frequency energy, your highest timeline, and a new level of your Divine purpose.

You want to become the master of your life.

You've done a lot of work on yourself, yet you might feel somehow stuck in inner conflicts, contradictions or limitations that are causing dissonance and blocking you from higher alignment and what you really want to manifest at the next level.

Your trauma is not what's holding you back any more.

Your self-perception and the meaning you've assigned to yourself, the past and life are getting in the way of your dreams and your alignment with your soul's purpose.

The good news is that the past can become an asset instead of a liability. You can transmute your past into gold.

"Your trauma is your immersion training for your purpose."


Are you ready?

If you're ready to massively upgrade your identity, your past, your present and your potential future, you'll know.

If you're ready to dive in and face the things you don't want to see about yourself, the things you're avoiding, the stuff causing you to limit yourself and what you're capable of, you'll feel the calling.

To face and release those parts of yourself requires self-honesty, courage, commitment and grit.

Together we can bring those distortions out of the darkness and into the light where they can be seen, felt, heard, met with empathy and badassery, then released and replaced so you can actualize an upgraded identity and new level of purpose.

To transmute your past self into your emerging self requires the strength of commitment and the courage of investment in yourself.

Join me in this advanced 12-week transformational journey!


Change is guaranteed in life but personal evolution is optional

This work involves deep and rewarding inner labor through self-discovery, radical honesty, meditation, embodiment, reflection, journaling, visualization, coaching, ThetaHealing® belief work, and quantum healing.

Until you're ready to make a deeper connection with your true self in order to extract your inner wisdom, your unique gifts and purpose, you'll keep holding on to the past, wishing things were different—wishing you were different.

We can't access higher levels of alignment and purpose while our past self is limiting our identity, resisting our evolution and blocking our blessings. 

It can be challenging to release your past self when you're alone or surrounded by people who are stuck in the same old loops like you were once upon a time. They will likely want you to stay the same in order to make them feel more comfortable.

We become like the people we hang out with. When you want to upgrade your life, you'll need to surround yourself with others who have done it. Your mirror neurons begin to emulate the examples of the new possibilities you're seeing and your DNA activates your higher potential through the morphogenic field.

When you're surrounded by people who are liberating themselves from the past, activating their higher potential and aligning with their highest timeline, you start to believe it's possible for you too. 

The existential crises that we experience in the awakening and evolutionary process can feel very lonely. You might have people in your life who don't understand what you're doing and who you really are The less alone you feel, the easier it will be for you to make a deeper connection with your true self, your higher potential, your gifts and your purpose.

 Who is this private coaching program for?

This work is for the generational curse-breakers, legacy transformers, spiritually awakening, truth-seeking, self-healing and purpose-focused humans who want to actualize their higher potential, generate greater resilience, continue evolving and stepping into greater levels of contribution in their families, communities or the world.

This coaching program is designed for you if...

 you've been working on your self-healing and personal growth for years, but something feels stagnant or limiting and now you want to evolve to the next level.

 you're successful in some areas of your life, yet deep down you feel like you're settling for something less than who you really are.

 you might feel that you don't really fit into your family or society.

 you might sense you're living your purpose to some degree, but recently you're realizing that there's a whole other level of potential for you to step into.

 you feel in your heart that there's something more you want to give to your family, community or the world.

✓ you know you need to connect more deeply with your true self in order to actualize your higher potential.

 you now feel ready to access a new level of thriving.

Deep down, you know you're here to create a better world, and to lead by example.

This coaching program is NOT for you if...

✗ you spend more time thinking about people who hurt you than working on evolving and living your purpose.

✗ you haven't been working on your self-healing and spiritual awakening process for several years now.

✗ you don't want anything to change in your life.

✗ you aren't ready to let go of what's holding you back.

✗ you aren't owning 100% responsibility for yourself and your life.

✗ you're not willing to let yourself feel the pain without bypassing or avoidance.

✗ you don't believe that thriving and living your Divine purpose is possible for you.

✗ you're not open to challenging feedback.

Alchemy Awakening is about transmuting the past into gold.

If you want to activate higher dimensional energy through your DNA and actualize a new level of your Divine purpose, you'll need to dig deeper into your identity and the personal narrative that you created about the past so you can clear the old contracts, stories and limiting beliefs.

You'll need to rewire your survival mind and nervous system programming, releasing your past self and stepping more fully into your emerging self. You'll need to clear and upgrade the limiting beliefs that are blocking your unlimited potential. Many of these were likely inherited from your ancestors so we will also be doing ancestral healing.

It's recommended to first do the Inner Child Integration holistic process (with me or another practitioner) to restore wholeness to your soul before embarking on the advanced level work of Alchemy Awakening.

During this 12-session inner alchemy process, I will take you on a quest for the elixir, your true essence, so that you can integrate your emerging self and turn your potential into living purpose.

I will guide you through my potent framework for personal evolution, highlighting and upgrading the specific zones and parts of your life that are causing you struggle, limitation and delay. We will have a fluid structure that will be customized for your personal goals and uniqueness. Your process will unfold week by week. 

This work encompasses both individual and ancestral healing, because it didn't start with you... but it can end with you. Your healing of these intergenerational patterns can liberate you, bring peace to your ancestors and clear the way forward for future generations. Your evolutionary process also clears a portion of the collective consciousness and provides the codes of resilience for others to tune into, if they want to.

You'll have access to me in between our sessions for tracking your wins, accountability and addressing your challenges. While you're the one doing the work, I'm walking with you during this process.

This profound and introspective journey will take you into the depths of your being so you can connect with who you are becoming, awakening and expanding into your essence, so you can shine wherever your soul is calling you.

Our time together will help you bring about a greater clarity and understanding of yourself and your unique Divine purpose in this life, so you can live your higher potential and make a positive contribution in the world around you.

Alchemy Awakening

Transmuting the Past into Gold


12-Session Framework

60 minutes each

Once a week or every other week

Investment of $5000 (or 3 payments of $1800) 

SPECIAL OFFER! SAVE $600 until 07/31/2024
(Investment of $4400 or 3 payments of $1600)



This is a typical 12-session outline, yet there is flexibility and space for customization and integration. We will have a fluid structure to allow for your personal uniqueness, tailoring the work to who you are.


Sessions 1-4:

The Decomposition - Releasing the Past Self

Optimizing Your Journey

Releasing Attachments

Emotional Alchemy

Shedding the False Self


Sessions 5-8:

The Distillation - Emerging as an Evolving Soul

Clearing Limiting Beliefs

Refining Thoughts for Breakthroughs

Purifying Desires & Strengthening Resilience

Rediscovering Your Roots for Authentic Growth


Sessions 9-12:

The Integration - Transmuting the Past into Gold

Extracting the Elixir

Crafting Your Future

Embodiment of Divine Purpose

Faith Forward


Download a PDF with the full program details

Application for Coaching Strategy Session with Meredith Miller



Hi! Thank you for applying for a coaching strategy session. 

This introductory 50-min private 1:1 session ($250) will help us determine if it's a good fit to work together for Alchemy Awakening.

Please answer the questions below (takes about 10 min) to help us customize the session and optimize our time together.

I will email you in the next couple days to schedule your strategy session. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple days, please check your spam or promotions folder (gmail).

Looking forward to working with you soon!


Here you'll find answers to the most common questions.