The Smear Campaign

Everyone who has been involved with a narcissist or other manipulator wants to know, how do you deal with the smear campaign? What can you do about it? How do you vindicate yourself?

The smear campaign is when the narcissist or other abuser uses slander, lies and false accusations in an attempt to discredit you in order to discredit the truth that you could reveal. 

The narcissist's worst fear is being found out. This is why they try to make you think that you're crazy and they want to make others think that you're crazy, that way no one will believe you. 

It's horrible when you're being smeared and someone is trying to ruin your reputation based on lies and falsifications in order to hide their abuse. It's excruciating when you know the truth yet no one believes you or wants to hear what you have to say. Worse yet, sometimes they even defend the abuser! You end up feeling so alone.

This is the kind of thing that can drive someone to suicide. Please don't do that to yourself! There is so much more to live for and eventually this nightmare will pass. I know sometimes it doesn't feel like that when you're in it. It feels like it will never end. It will. There are some specific things you can do to deal with the smear campaign like a boss. 

In this video you're going to get 5 tips to deal with the smear campaign like a BOSS!

Another important component of the smear campaign are the flying monkeys.

Dealing with the flying monkeys of the narcissist or other abuser can be a horrible experience. The flying monkeys could be doing the bidding of your ex, your family members, a friend, your boss or coworkers, or anyone else in the community who decided to target you. 

In this video you'll learn about the role of flying monkeys, who are the flying monkeys, and how the narcissist recruits flying monkeys to do their bidding against the target.

You'll also get a Survival Guide for dealing with flying monkeys.

If you speak up about the truth in an abusive system like a family, office, social group or society at large, you can expect a massive smear campaign by the abusers. 

This podcast episode will help you understand what happens to truth-tellers in abusive systems. 




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