Dealing with Narcissists (and Other Toxic People) at Work

Have you ever worked with a narcissist or other manipulator?

It could be a boss, co-worker, business associate, customer, employee, etc. 

It can be terrifying when your career and professional reputation are on the line because you're at the mercy of a manipulator. 

Work is how most people earn a living. When you're dependent on that job to pay your bills or put food on the table for your kids, it can feel like there's no way out. Maybe you put your head down and suffer to keep surviving, at the cost of your health, sanity, peace, success and life dreams. 

Maybe you're familiar with the fears of being trapped in a toxic work environment. Or the feeling that you have to leave because you can't survive one more day there but you don't have something else lined up yet. Those fears can run deep into your financial wellbeing, your survival and the survival of your family.

It's hard to focus on much else in life when you have deep survival fears clouding your mind and flooding your blood with stress hormones. 

Having some tools to manage the toxic situation at work can be helpful for dealing with it when you can't get away from it (yet).

In this video you'll get 7 tips to deal with toxic people at work

Dealing with Bullying Narcissists at Work

This video was a Q&A from a person who kept getting mobbed at work by bullying narcissists. Mobbing is when many people gang up against you in an attempt to bully you around.

They tried to ruin her reputation and make her the office scapegoat. You'll get some tips on how to avoid being a target in a toxic workplace as well as some ideas for alternatives when you are tired of working in toxic offices. 



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